Forget Having Any “Mental Limits”

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You have far more brainpower than you can even begin to imagine. Trying to define your brain’s ultimate capacity is like trying to place your finger on a glob of mercury. The human brain is infinitely complex and subtle. And YOUR amazing brain is no exception. 

Why do I say this? Physicists have discovered parallels between the human brain and Einstein’s quantum universe. Biological scientists are demystifying the brain’s chemical and electrical mysteries, and cutting-edge scientists like Bruce Lipton are now telling us that a thought alone has the power to control how our genes express.

Plus cutting edge scientists specializing in the connective tissue that holds our bodies together have discovered something else amazing. The connective tissue tubules that extend into each of our individual cells respond to vibration. And this includes the vibration created by each of your thoughts, which impact these tubules even faster than the messages traveling along your nervous system.

An Amazing Capacity

Your brain contains 1,000,000,000,000 individual nerve cells (neurons) — so many that if they were stretched end to end, they would reach all the way to the moon and back! But this figure is even more astounding when you consider that each nerve cell can connect with as many as 100,000 other nerve cells.

If we add up the potential capacity of your brain cells to make interconnections — the resulting number itself would extend at least 10.5 million killometers long. Your brain is nearly limitless.

How Do Thoughts Travel?

OK then, so what is a thought? A thought is basically energy that causes an electro-chemical response in your brain. The net result is that your brain’s neurons will then *fire* in a certain pattern.

That produces tiny currents of electrical energy that pass along definite pathways in your cortex (your thinking cap). These currents can be traced as brainwaves using a simple EEG monitoring device.

Your thoughts cascade through your brain and produce an actual 70 millivolt potential somewhere in your cortex. Did you realize that your brain actually produces between 5 and 10 volts of energy — enough to light up the inside of a refrigerator?

The electrical current produced by your thought is then broadcast in the form of electromagnetic waves at the velocity of light out to each of your cells — and also straight out into the surrounding environment at the speed of light.

What IS a Thought?

 Have you ever tried to define what a thought is, and how a thought gets started to begin with? What causes that initial spark that leads to that amazing cascade of energy through your brain?

Philosophers have sought an answer to that question for centuries. Some modern thinkers like the great psychoanalyst Carl Jung and the brilliant Itzhak Bentov feel that since thoughts create measurable energy, and energy can be neither created nor destroyed, the universal cosmos must contain the energy of every thought that has ever occurred.

This could explain how people like Bentov, Edgar Cayce, and even Leonardo da Vinci were able to see clearly see into alternate realities most of us seem unable to tap into.

A Special Invitation

This much IS true: There are definitely those who are capable of thinking on much higher levels than our everyday “what shall I have for lunch” levels. They reach into higher states of consciousness to create and direct their lives.

Quantum Mind ProgramThe core of the author’s teaching is focused on achieving higher states of consciousness. You are invited you to come check out the ultimate mind power builder – the Quantum Mind.



Posted by Dr Jill Ammon-Wexler Pioneer brain/mind researcher


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